Friday, November 1, 2019

Week of Nov 1- Modern Movements- Dada-Pop Art

Lecture, Slide Presentation: Dada, Surrealism and After 1945- Modern Movements: Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art
Reading assignment: Chap 24: Postwar Modern Movements
Online Assignment : Dada Collage- Create a collage by cutting up parts of photographs and reassembling in a new and thought-provoking combination. You may use photoshop for this project if you know how to use the program. Otherwise, use cut & paste method. Work in black & white primarily- you can use one color if important for your idea. You can zerox a color image or transfer to black & white digitally. 
Formal elements to consider: Dynamic composition, contrast of scale, value & theme, unity, illusion of depth of space. Format requirements: 8” x 10” , no white space, no words. Cut out subject matter very specifically(the outline of the shapes).
Create visual relationships that create a new meaning or associations-post image on your blog- consider this question when making your collage: What is dynamic about the association of images as well as the formal elements?
November 8- Meet at the Museum of Modern Art at 1:20- entrance on 54th St between 5th & 6th Ave
In front of Group Services Desk


  1. hello, I am a little confused about the assignment am I suppose to create this at home take a picture of it and post it, Or do it online using a certain software?

  2. You can do at home and take a photo & post
